7 Tips To Keep Your Holiday Season Safe, Merry and Bright

By Sam Pudelski, Red Cross volunteer

The holiday season is upon us and for some, decorations are already trimming their homes. While December is known as the most wonderful time of the year, it’s also the peak time for home fires. 

The American Red Cross has put together some simple safety tips to help protect your home and family.

  • Opt for battery-operated candles. If you do use candles, never leave burning candles unattended and keep them away from anything that can burn. Make sure to keep candles out of reach of children and pets.
  • Inspect all holiday light cords to make sure they aren’t broken or frayed. Avoid stringing too many strands of lights together. You should not have more than three light strings per extension cord.
  • Make sure all outdoor decorations are made for outdoor use. Fasten lights securely to your home, trees and bushes. If you’re using any metal fasteners, like hooks or nails, make sure they are insulated to help prevent electrocution or fire hazard.
  • If you have an artificial tree or garland, check for a fire-resistant label. Keep them away from fireplaces, radiators and other sources of heat. Never use electric lights on metallic trees.
  • If you plan to get a live tree, test its needles to make sure it is fresh. Bend the needles on the tree up and down to make sure no needles fall off. Make sure to water the tree regularly to prevent it from drying out.
  • Don’t hang stockings or decorations on the mantel if you plan to light the fireplace.
  • Install smoke alarms on every level of your home and outside each sleeping area. Test your alarms once a month and replace the batteries at least once per year. Additionally, you should practice your two-minute fire safety plan with everyone in your household.

If you cannot afford smoke alarms or aren’t physically able to install one, the Red Cross may be able to help. You can request a smoke alarm from the Northern Ohio Region of the Red Cross here.

Tips to Help Keep This Halloween a Treat

By Sam Pudelski, American Red Cross volunteer

It’s Halloween season here in Northern Ohio, and while kids are prepping to get tons of treats, adults should also prepare to make the evening a safe and fun event. Here are 10 things to keep in mind when trick-or-treating this holiday.

  1. Make sure trick-or-treaters can see and be seen. Use face makeup instead of masks, which can make it hard to see when wearing them. Make sure trick-or-treaters can be seen be using a flashlight to light their way, adding reflective tape to costumes and trick-or-treat bags and wearing light-colored clothing.
  2. Use costumes that are flame-resistant.
  3. Never let children trick-or-treat alone. A parent or responsible adult should accompany young children door-to-door. Make sure adults know where kids are going and do not get too far ahead.
  4. Be cautious around animals, especially dogs.
  5. Walk, don’t run from door to door. Avoid walking in the street and stick to sidewalks. If no sidewalk is available, walk at the edge of the roadway, facing traffic. When crossing the street, stop and look both ways. Don’t cross between parked cars. If trick-or-treating in a city, do not take alleyways.
  6. If you are driving, use extra caution. Kids may forget to look both ways before crossing amongst all of the excitement.
  7. Only visit homes that have a porch light on. Accept treats at the door and never go inside a home. Before eating goodies, make sure adults check all of them, removing loose candy, open packages and any choking hazards. Throw away any items with brand names you are not familiar with.

If you are handing out goodies at your home for trick-or-treaters:

  • Light the area well so visitors can see where they are walking.
  • Clear obstacles someone can trip over. Sweep leaves from steps and sidewalks.
  • Use caution when carving pumpkins. Adults should do the carving, and young kids should draw the face on the pumpkins instead of doing the carving. Do not use a candle to light a pumpkin. Opt for a flashlight or glowstick instead.

With these tips, we hope you all have a safe and fun Halloween! For more tips on first aid, weather alerts and more, download our American Red Cross apps by searching for the Red Cross in your app store or visiting redcross.org/apps.

Preparing for the unimaginable

Things to consider during National Preparedness Month

By Doug Bardwell, American Red Cross volunteer

As disasters become more frequent and more costly, the American Red Cross is
answering the calls of those in need, both here in Northern Ohio and around the world.
Just last week, here in Northern Ohio, the Red Cross assisted 62 families affected by the severe storms, providing more than $42,500 in financial aid.

Meanwhile, across the rest of the country, more than 1,000 Red Crossers answered the
call after historic wildfires, rainfall, and flooding ravaged people’s homes from the East
Coast to Hawaii in 21 separate major relief efforts. Again, the Northern Ohio region of
the Red Cross stepped up – providing 10 responders willing to travel great distances in
service of the Red Cross mission – to alleviate human suffering.

August 30, 2023. Perry, Florida. Red Cross disaster responder, Dariana Molina, assesses damage caused by Hurricane Idalia in Perry, Florida. Photo by Scott Dalton/American Red Cross

As unimaginable as these events have been, the reality is that as a humanitarian
organization, we are responding to nearly twice as many major disasters today as we
did 10 years ago. In the first half of 2023, there have been a record 15 disasters costly
in excess of a billion dollars each. As the disasters increase in size, and as more people
are displaced, the financial burden goes up correspondingly.

Having responded to numerous national disasters myself, I have been both broken-
hearted and proud at the same moment, as many disaster victims explain that our Red
Cross teams have provided the only assistance they’ve received immediately after the

Four things you can do this September for National Preparedness Month
1) Prepare your family by preparing an emergency kit, ready to go at a moment’s
notice. Have a family plan on how and where everyone will meet up in case of a
disaster. Stay informed about potential disasters in your area, and learn what
your local government will do, should you need to evacuate. Visit
redcross.org/prepare for more information or download the free Red Cross
Emergency app, which also provides real-time weather alerts, open Red Cross
disaster shelter locations and more.
2) Donate blood. With each major storm, numerous blood drives are canceled,
reducing the supply of blood nationwide, and endangering others who rely on
blood for their medical conditions. Find a donation site near you at
3) Consider becoming a volunteer to help either locally or nationally. There are
jobs for all types of talents and ages, and training is comprehensive and free. Whether you can donate an hour a day or a couple of hours a month, chances
are there is a position for you with your local Red Cross office. Learn more about
positions available in your area at nohredcross.org/volunteer/
4) Cash Donation If time or family commitments prevent you from volunteering,
please consider a cash donation. Through fiscal year 2027, the Red Cross needs
to spend more than $1 billion on its climate crisis work, encompassing disaster
relief, international services and sustainability programs. Every donation helps
those who need it most, and no amount is too small. Go to redcross.org/donate.

Edited by Glenda Bogar, Red Cross volunteer

Posted by Ryan Lang, Red Cross Board Member and volunteer

Pet CPR? Yeah, there’s an app for that!

By Ryan Lang, American Red Cross board member and volunteer

As a lifelong pet owner and pet lover, I hope I’m never in a situation where I’d need to perform CPR on my dog. And while I hope it never comes to that, I can find comfort in the fact that if it does, the American Red Cross has a free app that can show me exactly what I need to do.

Amos and Dublin

From recognizing warning signs to the ABCs of pet CPR (airway, breathing, circulation), the Pet First Aid app has you covered. With lifesaving instructions on allergic reactions, bleeding, car accidents, poisoning and more, the app helps you prepare for virtually every scenario you can imagine. It also gives guidance on how to include your pet in your emergency preparedness plans. And after you’ve brushed up on your emergency pet response, put your knowledge to the test with a quiz.

In addition to emergency response information, the Red Cross provides wellness tips for your pet. It offers information on what supplies to have in your home and on hand for your cat or dog. You can upload not only your vet’s information, but also your pet’s information for easy access in case of an emergency.

So in the spirit of National Dog Day that just passed and National Cat Day that’s coming up in October, take a moment and download the free Pet First Aid app. You can find it by going to redcross.org/apps or by searching for ‘American Red Cross’ in app stores. Who knows, you could save your furry friend’s life!

Edited by Glenda Bogar, American Red Cross volunteer

Posted by Ryan Lang, American Red Cross board member and volunteer

Severe weather safety tips to help you stay safe

By Samantha Pudelski, American Red Cross volunteer

Warmer weather will be arriving in Northern Ohio…eventually! We’ll be swapping snowstorms for thunderstorms and rain. While our region doesn’t experience hurricanes (this is the beginning of hurricane preparedness week), our area does experience severe storms that can bring tornadoes or flash flooding. Before severe weather strikes, refresh your severe safety knowledge with these tips from the American Red Cross.

April 5, 2023. Wynne, Arkansas. The tornado that struck Wynne, caused extensive damage to scores of homes in the town. Photo by Kevin Suttlehan/American Red Cross

Before Storms Strike:

  • Identify a sturdy building that you can take shelter in. A sturdy building has walls and a foundation.
  • Ideally, the building should have a basement, or a small, interior room without windows on the lowest level of the building.
  • Mobile, manufactured, trailer homes and recreational vehicles (RVs) are not safe in high winds.
  • If you reside in one of these structures, make sure to identify a building nearby that you can take shelter in quickly.
  • Hold practice drills with everyone in your household to make sure everyone knows what to do and where to go before a storm hits.
  • Sign up for free emergency weather alerts from your local government or weather service.
  • In case there is a power outage, make sure to have a backup battery to charge your cell phone and a battery-powered radio.
  • Know the different types of weather alerts:
    Severe thunderstorm watch: Means severe weather is possible in the area. Be prepared to act fast.
    Severe thunderstorm warning: Means a severe thunderstorm is in the area and to take action to get to safety.
    Tornado watch: Means tornadoes are possible in the area. Be prepared to act fast.
    Tornado warning: Means a tornado is near, and you must take immediate action to get to a safe location.
    Flood watch: Means that flooding is possible in the area.
    Flood warning: Means flooding is forthcoming or currently happening in the warning area.
    Flash floods warning: Means that a flash flood is imminent or currently happening. It is even possible that a flash flood can occur in an area not immediately receiving rain.

When Storms Are Predicted in Your Area or Currently Happening

  • Look for storm signs such as darkening skies, lightning flashes and windy conditions. If you hear thunder, head indoors. Once you can hear thunder, the storm is close enough to be in danger of lightning strikes.
  • If a severe thunderstorm warning is issued in the area, take shelter in a substantial building.
  • Mobile homes can blow over in high winds.
  • Keep away from windows.
  • Don’t take a bath, shower or use plumbing.
  • Avoid using electrical equipment and telephones.
  • If you are driving, try to find a way to safely pull off the road and park. Stay in your vehicle until the heavy rain ends. Turn on your emergency flashers so other vehicles can see you.
  • If you are outside and are not able to seek shelter in a building or car, avoid high ground, water, tall or isolated trees and metal objects. Sheds, picnic shelters, dugouts and metal objects, like bleachers, are not safe places to seek shelter.
  • If someone is struck by lightning, call 911 immediately. If someone sustains a lightning strike they need professional medical care. Check the individual for burns and other injuries. If they stop breathing, begin CPR immediately. It’s safe to touch them, as individuals struck by lightning do not retain an electrical charge.
April 5, 2023. Wynne, Arkansas. Red Cross volunteer Don Baker surveys tornado damage to homes in Wynne, AR. Photo by Kevin Suttlehan/American Red Cross

Tornado Safety

If a tornado warning is announced for the area you are in:

  • Move to the lowest level of your home or a sturdy building, ideally a basement. If you aren’t able to move to a lower level, find a small interior room with no windows.
  • Mobile, manufacturer, trailer homes and RVs are not safe in the event of a tornado or high winds.
  • Monitor local weather and news on your phone or radio.

    When Flooding is Predicted or Seen
  • Turn around, don’t drown! Stay off the roads and do not attempt to drive through a flooded portion of the road. Just six inches of fast-moving water can knock you over, and most vehicles can be swept away by less than two feet of water.
  • If you are caught on a flooded road and the waters are rising around you, get out of the car quickly and move to higher ground.
  • Tune in to your local radio or news for the latest weather updates.
  • If your area is a risk flood area, prepare to evacuate quickly in the case it becomes necessary.
  • Follow your local officials direction if you are asked to evacuate.
  • Stay away from flooded areas, as they may contain snakes, insects and other animals. Keep children and pets away from these areas.

    For more information on weather safety and about volunteer opportunities to help those affected by severe weather, visit https://www.redcross.org/local/ohio/northern-ohio.html.

    Edited by Glenda Bogar, Red Cross volunteer
    Posted by Ryan Lang, Red Cross board member and volunteer

Using her spare time to give back to our community

By Sam Pudelski, American Red Cross volunteer

When Jenn Mayfield found herself with some extra time and a need to complete community service to graduate with her degree in IT, she immediately thought of the American Red Cross. “I know the Red Cross and the reputation of blood services and how [they help] so many people with blood products,” she said.

A little over a year ago, she began volunteering with the Red Cross Northern Ohio Region as a volunteer candidate screener. In this role, screeners speak with people who have signed up to volunteer with the Red Cross to help place them in a role that not only fits the candidate’s interests and skills, but also is a good fit within the organization. It also allows her to volunteer after work in the evenings and on weekends since it is a remote position. Jenn enjoys the role because she loves to volunteer and connect with people. “I know that every time I talk with someone on the phone or answer someone’s question, I feel like I’m contributing in a positive way.”

In addition to her role as a volunteer candidate screener, she decided to start a second role with Red Cross headquarters in the department of public inquiry in July 2022. Not only did it allow her to further her passion for volunteering, but she also learned more about the services the Red Cross provides internationally and here at home. With the public inquiry team, Jenn helps answer questions, inquiries, complaints and comments from the public. Since this role also is remote, she fits in volunteering as her schedule allows.

Jenn looks at her opportunity to volunteer as a way to do something rewarding with some of her free time. In addition to her two permanent volunteer roles, she checks the Red Cross Volunteer Connection portal for other opportunities to give back. In fact, she recently volunteered at the Dominion Preparedness Day on April 1st. It was her first volunteer event, and she brought her fiancée as well. In addition to volunteering, she gives back by donating blood whenever she can.  Jenn truly believes that every little bit can help our communities, “even an hour a day or a couple hours a week can make a big impact.”

To all of those who are thinking of the Red Cross, Jenn can’t recommend it enough. As a part of the volunteer services team, she knows firsthand there are tons of different roles across the system that can fit for various interests and skills. In Northern Ohio, there are plenty of opportunities that allow individuals to volunteer when it fits their schedule, offering both in person or remote roles. “Honestly, there’s something for everybody. There’s a volunteer role for everyone.” To learn more about current volunteer opportunities in Northern Ohio, visit us here.

Posted by Ryan Lang, Red Cross board member and volunteer

Take a few moments and potentially save the lives of your family

Sunday marks the start of National Fire Prevention Week

By Doug Bardwell, American Red Cross Volunteer

October 9 – 15 is National Fire Prevention Week and is a perfect time to ensure your family’s safety this coming winter. In Northern Ohio, we see a 23% increase in home fires each winter. Unfortunately, during fiscal year 2022, the Northern Ohio Region of the American Red Cross needed to respond to 1,150 home fires. 

First, teach your children what a smoke alarm sounds like and what they should do when it goes off. The most chilling story I read recently was about a grade-schooler who was asked what he would do when he heard the sound of a smoke alarm. His answer was authentic but frightening, “Go hide in the attic!”

I’ll be asking my grandchildren that question this week for sure. It shows that we can’t take anything for granted when it comes to children.

After they realize that was the wrong answer, it’s a perfect time to practice the correct response, which the family should do together. Luckily, the Red Cross has created a Two-Minute Drill to follow:

Studies have shown you will probably only have two minutes to escape a fast-burning fire safely. Practice your plan with everyone in your household. Visit redcross.org/fire for more information, including a printable escape plan and safety tips for cooking and home heating — the leading causes of home fires, according to the National Fire Protection Association, which is sponsoring Fire Prevention Week with the theme, “Fire Won’t Wait. Plan Your Escape.”

  • Include at least two ways to exit every room in your home in your escape plan.
  • Select a meeting spot at a safe distance away from your home, such as your neighbor’s home or a landmark like a specific tree in your front yard, where everyone knows to meet.
  • Tailor your escape plan to everyone’s needs in your household. If you or a loved one is deaf or hard of hearing, install strobe lights and bed-shaker alarms to help alert you to a fire.

Check your smoke alarms:

  • Place smoke alarms on each level of your home, including inside and outside bedrooms and sleeping areas. Test alarms monthly and change the batteries at least once a year if your model requires it.
  • Check the manufacturer’s date of your smoke alarms. Ten years or older, they likely need to be replaced because components such as the smoke detection sensor can become less reliable. Follow your alarm’s manufacturer’s instructions.

If you need and can’t afford smoke alarms:

Contact your local Red Cross office and they’ll arrange to get them installed for you at no cost. During the previous 12 months, the Northern Ohio Region of the Red Cross installed more than 8,300 smoke alarms, making more than 3,200 homes safer through our fire safety visits.

Since 2014, nearly 1,400 lives have been saved thanks to the Red Cross Home Fire Campaign, which includes Sound the Alarm events. During these events, local fire departments partner with the Red Cross and spend the day installing alarms for those who need them but don’t have them. Thousands of other families received new alarms when they discovered that theirs were so old they probably wouldn’t have worked in the case of a real fire.

Learn more about our Home Fire Campaign here, and/or request a smoke alarm, volunteer to help with installations or donate to help provide more free smoke alarms. 

Planning ahead for National Preparedness Month

By Ryan Lang, Red Cross volunteer

January 17, 2022 (MLK Day): Walking into the office, stomping my feet to get the snow and the slush and the slop off of my boots, I thought to myself, That’s the worst commute to work I’ve ever experienced. What normally takes 25 minutes took roughly an hour and a half through the driving snow and treacherous road conditions. 

February 2, 2022: After spending more than an hour shoveling more than a foot of snow from my driveway at 2 in the morning, I tried to drive to work. Didn’t make it. In fact, I only made it to the end of my driveway before my vehicle became stuck in the street. Thanks to the help of New Franklin Police Officer Shearer, I was safely guided back into my driveway, but there I stayed. There was no way I was making it to the office. 

Two of the largest winter storms I can remember hit Northeast Ohio in a matter of two weeks, and both had me feeling less prepared than I’d ever felt before. 

From that point on I vowed to take preparedness more seriously, and not just for the winter season. After all, I’m a dad now – what better reason?

As we’ve seen countless times in Northern Ohio, across the country, and around the world, storms can affect our lives very quickly and very seriously. That is why the American Red Cross is urging you to prepare for emergencies, right now, during National Preparedness Month all September long.


It takes just three simple steps to help prepare your household for potential disasters –

1) Get a Kit – First, build your emergency kit with a gallon of water per person, per day, non-perishable food, a flashlight and a battery-powered radio. Also include a first aid kit, medications, supplies for infants or pets, a multi-purpose tool and personal hygiene items. And don’t forget to add copies of important papers, cell phone chargers, blankets, maps of the area and emergency contact information.

2) Make a Plan – Next, plan what to do in case you are separated from your family during an emergency and what to do if you have to evacuate. Make sure to coordinate your plan with your child’s school, your work and your community’s emergency plans. Include your pets in your emergency plans. Remember, if you and your family need to evacuate, so does your pet.

3) Be Informed – Finally, stay informed by finding out what emergency situations may occur where you live, work and go to school, how local officials will contact you during a disaster and how you will get important information, such as evacuation orders.

Depending on the people in your household, there might be additional considerations to take into account as part of your emergency planning. Older adults or people with mobility, hearing, learning or seeing disabilities may need to create a support network of people that can help during an emergency. Create a plan tailored to their capabilities, any help they may need and who can provide it, especially if they need to evacuate or if the power goes out for several days.

Disasters can be scary for children. Take time to talk with your kids about preparing for common emergencies, how to stay safe and what to expect. The Red Cross has free programs and tools to help, visit redcross.org/YouthPrep for more information.


You can help ensure your community is ready for an emergency by volunteering, donating blood or learning lifesaving skills. Visit redcross.org to learn more.

Red Cross volunteers play critical roles in their local communities, including helping families affected by home fires and other disasters get back on their feet. Join us as a Disaster Action Team volunteer to help make sure that families don’t have to face tough times alone.

Learn lifesaving skills so you can help people in a crisis until medical professionals arrive. Sign up for first aid, CPR or other classes available online or in-person. 

A strong blood supply is key to preparedness for disasters and medical emergencies, and donors can ensure blood is on the shelves the moment it’s needed. As a thank-you, all who come to give Sept. 1-18 will get a limited-edition Red Cross T-shirt, while supplies last. Plus, those who race to give Sept. 1-30 will automatically be entered for a chance to win a VIP NASCAR experience, including two tickets to a 2023 race, and will also receive a coupon for a free haircut by email, all thanks to Sport Clips Haircuts.* Donors can schedule an appointment to donate using the Red Cross Blood Donor App, by visiting RedCrossBlood.org or by calling 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767). If you are unable to give blood you can volunteer to support blood collections. Visit redcross.org/volunteer to learn more.

Honoring Steve Bullock during Black History Month

By Doug Bardwell, Red Cross volunteer

Northern Ohio has had their share of prominent African Americans:  Olympian Jesse Owens, author Toni Morrison, US Representative Stephanie Tubbs Jones, inventor of the modern traffic light Garrett Morgan, and first black mayor of a major U.S. city Carl B Stokes. But, closest to the hearts of Northern Ohio Red Crosser’s is none other than our own Steve Bullock.

Steve Delano Bullock was the youngest of 22 children born to a sharecropper family in segregated North Carolina. He was in the U.S. Army in Vietnam in 1962 when he first volunteered with the Red Cross. He found a fit in the organization that upholds impartiality – not discriminating based on nationality, race, religion, class or political beliefs – as one of its fundamental principles.

– Steve Bullock, Photo credit: Daniel Cima/American Red Cross

Steve began his career with the organization in 1962, working as a caseworker on military installations. His work took him and his family to military posts throughout the United States, Europe, and Southeast Asia. Twenty years later, he became the Chief Executive Officer and Chapter Manager of the Greater Cleveland Chapter.

In Cleveland, he oversaw the launch of Operation Save-A-Life, which aimed to reduce injuries and deaths due to home fires by providing residents in at-risk neighborhoods with fire safety education and free smoke alarms and installations. That initiative has been adopted by the Red Cross nationwide and, as of the end of 2021, more than 2.2 million alarms have been installed and more than 1,200 lives have been saved.

– Northern Ohio Sound the Alarm installation event

Steve Bullock’s career with the American Red Cross spanned six decades. During that time, he has been one of the hundreds of thousands of volunteers and paid staff striving to help Americans and people around the world prevent, prepare for and respond to emergencies.

But there’s one thing no other Red Crosser will ever be able to claim: Steve was the first African American to sit at the helm of our nation’s premier humanitarian organization, when he was named Acting President of the national agency in Washington, DC.

“You’d be hard-pressed to find a more inspiring role model than Steve,” says Mike Parks, Regional CEO of the Red Cross in Northern Ohio. “It’s no wonder our humanitarian award is named in his honor. He has lived a life of service to mankind.” 

Thank you, Steve Bullock, for your years of service to our military members, their families, and our mission. 

If you feel a call to serve as Steve did, the Red Cross has a veritable wealth of opportunities for your talents.  Start your journey here.

September is National Preparedness Month: Get ready now

Emergencies more frequent, larger due to climate change

By Tim Poe, American Red Cross volunteer

During my time as a Disaster Action Team (DAT) member, I saw many levels of preparedness and their impact once a disaster happened, whether a fire, flood, tornado or other event. Families and communities who had prepared were much better able to respond and begin recovering than those who had not. The American Red Cross assists all in need but preparation makes a tremendous difference, especially as climate change causes more severe weather. The Red Cross Northern Ohio Region urges everyone to get ready.

While home fires remain the most frequent disaster in Northern Ohio, climate change is having an impact. Sustainable Cleveland’s Action Plan states, “… annual temperatures in the Midwest, including Northeast Ohio, have increased over the last several decades. Heat waves are becoming more frequent. Snow and ice are arriving later in the fall and are starting to melt earlier in the spring. Heavy downpours now occur twice as frequently as they did a century ago.”

For an additional perspective, I reached out to John Gareis, Regional Manager, Disaster Preparedness, Red Cross Northern Ohio Region. John said, “Disasters can happen anywhere, anytime. We urge people to prepare now and be ready if an emergency occurs in their home or in our local community.

“No one plans to be in a disaster,” John continued. “Unfortunately, so often we help families who have done nothing to prepare, and they rely on the Red Cross to help them get on their feet and begin piecing together their lives. Understanding the basics of being prepared, having a communication plan, and knowing what to do in an emergency does save lives. Helping people during disasters is at the heart of our mission, and climate change is a serious threat we are all facing. While we celebrate Emergency Preparedness awareness every September, being prepared should happen all year long. Help keep your loved ones safe — get Red Cross Ready today.”


Help keep your family safe: 1) Get a Kit. 2) Make a Plan. 3) Be Informed.

  1. Build your emergency kit with a gallon of water per person, per day, non-perishable food, a flashlight, battery-powered radio, first aid kit, medications, supplies for infants or pets, a multi-purpose tool, personal hygiene items, copies of important papers, cell phone chargers, blankets, maps of the area and emergency contact information.
  2. Plan what to do in case you and your family are separated or evacuating. Coordinate your plan with your child’s school, your work and your community. Don’t forget your pets. If you need to evacuate, so does your pet. Know which pet-friendly hotels are in your area and where your pets can stay.
  3. Stay informed by knowing how local officials will contact you during a disaster and how to get important information.

Also consider your family’s needs and each person’s capabilities. Older adults and those with disabilities need a support network that can help in an emergency, especially during an evacuation or extended loss of power.

Speak with children about preparing for common emergencies, staying safe and what to expect before a disaster happens. The Red Cross has free programs and tools to help at redcross.org/youthprep.

Free Red Cross apps are also available.

Finally, help your community prepare and respond to disasters. You can do so by donating blood, learning lifesaving skills or volunteering with the Red Cross or other organization.

Edited by Glenda Bogar, American Red Cross volunteer