Mike’s 2024 Memorial Day message

By Michael N. Parks, Regional CEO, American Red Cross of Northern Ohio
Rear Admiral, United States Coast Guard (Retired)

Friends and family of the American Red Cross of Northern Ohio – this weekend, we recognize and celebrate Memorial Day—the national holiday when we remember and honor those service men and women who paid the ultimate sacrifice in the defense of our nation’s freedom.  I recently attended an event when trivia questions were asked about Memorial Day.   I was amazed, and admittedly disappointed, by the lack of basic knowledge about this important holiday.  As members and supporters of the American Red Cross, I feel strongly that we should understand the importance of this day of remembrance since our organization’s history is inextricably linked to the history of Memorial Day.  With that as a preamble, I’d like to share the following “Did you know?” thoughts:

Mike Parks

+  Memorial Day was originally known as Decoration Day, honoring those who died during the Civil War.

+  Memorial Day was first celebrated on May 30, 1868.

+  Memorial Day’s birthplace was in Waterloo, New York (although there’s still debate about this, Congress declared it so in 1966).

+  Memorial Day’s first official speech was given by General James Garfield to a crowd of 5,000 at Arlington Cemetery.

+  Memorial Day was originally observed on the 30th of May until it was changed in 1968 to be observed the last Monday in May.

+  Memorial Day became a national federal holiday by an act of Congress in 1971.

+  Memorial Day is the occasion when gravesites in Arlington Cemetery, and veteran’s cemeteries around the country, are decorated with American flags.

+  Memorial Day events typically include the playing of “Taps,” a 24-note bugle call originated in 1862. 

+  Memorial Day is different than Veterans Day (no apostrophe & observed on November 11th) in that it honors those who have fallen while in service of our nation.

My final “Did you know?” is the National Moment of Remembrance Act designates 3:00 p.m. local time on Memorial Day each year as a moment of silent remembrance across the United States of America.  Please take 45 seconds to watch the below video.  I wish each of you and yours a memorable Memorial Day and God Bless America!!  Best regards…Mike

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